
During setup operation the interpreter (sdlBrt.exe or sdlBrt) is installed in a folder on system path (typically "c:\windows\programs" or "/opt/sdlBasic/bin"), moreover, two free fonts are installed into "c:\windows\fonts" or "/opt/sdlBasic/share/fonts/ttf" to be sure that default fonts can be available.
Last version of sdlBasic no more need defaults font to be installed to start, fonts are needed only when you will use text drawing commands.

Windows setup will install some dll containing SDL libraries, on GNU/Linux instead, it's expected that SDL library are already installed. That way the interpreter becomes a system command.

To launch a program you can invoke it by typing on console something like:

$ sdlBasic program.sdlbas

and the program will be executed.

You can comfortably execute your basic programs from within sdlBasic IDE with the apposite button on tool bar.