
New Create a new blank document.
Open Open up the file requester to select what source you want to load from disk.
Open Selected Filename If current selected text (in editing or output pane) is a filename, then, the corresponding file will be opened in a new document buffer.
Revert Revert document in current buffer on the one saved on disk.
Close Close document in current buffer.
Save Save document in current buffer on disk, if document was not yet saved before a file requester will appear to ask you its name and where you want to save it.
Save As Save document in current buffer with a new name or in another location.
Save a Copy Save a copy of document in current buffer with a new name or in another location.
Encoding Change document encoding
Export Save a copy of document in current buffer in a different file format.
Print Print document held in current buffer.
Load Session... Open previously saved work session. See Sessions section more for details.
Save Session... Save current work session. See Sessions section more for details.
Exit Quit sdlBasic Editor.

Undo Unmake last action.
Redo remake last unmade action.
Cut Cut selected text and store it into clipboard.
Copy Copy selected text into clipboard.
Paste Paste on current document buffer previously Copied/Cut text.
Delete Delete selected text.
Select All Select all text in current document buffer.
Match Brace Move cursor to matching brace. Cursor need to be just inside the opening brace or just outside the closing one.
Select to Brace Select braces and the text contained (if any). If cursor is just inside the opening brace it will be selected only the content, if cursor is just outside the closing one also the braces will be included in selection.
Show calltip Show calltip of keyword under the text cursor (if any).
Complete Symbol Pop up a list of possible completion based on sdlBasic language Api.
Complete Word Pop up a list of possible completion based on what you wrote into document.
Expand Abbreviation Expand abbreviation if you had previously specified any in abbreviation file. See Abbreviations section for more details.
Block Comment or Uncomment Comment or uncomment selected text section.
Make Selection Uppercase Make selected text characters uppercase.
Make Selection Lowercase Make selected text characters lowercase.

Find Open search window dialog. See Find and replace section for more details.
Find Next Search next occurrence of previously searched text.
Find Previous Search previous occurrence of previously searched text.
Find in Files Find a word or a sentence in all files of a given folder.
Replace Open find and replace window dialog. See Find and replace section for more details.
Go To... Open a dialog on which you can specify line number where to go.
Next Bookmark Jump to next bookmark.
Previous Bookmark Jump to previous bookmark.
Toggle Bookmark Set or unset a bookmark on current line.
Clear All Bookmarks Remove all previously deployed marker.

Toggle current fold Expand or contract fold where cursor is located. See Folding section for more details.
Toggle all folds Expand or contract all folds.
Full Screen Expand sdlBasic editor window to cover the entire screen.
Tool Bar Hide or show the tool bar.
Tab Bar Hide or show the tab bar.
Status Bar Hide or show the status bar.
Whitespace Hide or show space markers.
End of Line Hide or show end of line markers.
Indentation Guides Hide or show indentation guides.
Line Numbers Hide or show line numbers margin.
Margin Hide or show error and bookmarks margin.
Fold Margin Hide or show fold margin.

Go Run the program.
Stop Execution Stop program execution.
Switch Pane Toggle editing from editing to out pane and vice versa.

Autoindent Indent your program  basing on code syntax.
Unindent Remove all indentation
Make Executable Embed your program into sdlBasic runtime executable and save it into program folder.
Extract Code Extract embedded code from sdlBasic runtime executable.
more to come... You can write your own plug-ins with sdlBasic language.

Vertical Split Toggle output pane orientation.
Wrap Wrap lines exceeding editing pane width.
Wrap Output Wrap lines exceeding output pane width.
Read-Only Inhibit document editing.
Line End Characters Choose one of the three line end characters standard.
Convert Line End Characters Convert line end characters on choice you made on Line End Character menu.
Use Monospaced Font Toggle mono spaced font
Open Local Options File Open local option file in a new buffer.
Open User Options File Open user option file in a new buffer.
Open Global Options File Open global option file in a new buffer.
Open Abbreviations File Open abbreviations file in a new buffer.
Edit Properties Edit languages properties: sdlBasic or others.

Previous Switch to previous document buffer. See Buffers section for more details.
Next Switch to next document buffer. See Buffers section for more details.
Close All Close all document buffers.
Save All Save all documents held in buffers to disk

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